Just when you think liability law suits have taken the bounce out of good old fashioned fun, you stumble across something like this. Jump On Us springs back to one of the faded fads of the fifties - the trampoline park. The origin of trampolines has been traced back to everyone from Eskimos to Indians to circus performers. However, the man responsible for delivering it to a wide audience was Bill Sorenson. From his basement, Sorenson took a heavy piece of canvas and stretched it across a metal frame anchored by durable springs. He sold his formula in kits for fifty bucks a pop. It was not long before backyards and roadside parks like Jump On Us were hopping.
The park itself is little more than a series of small, empty pools into which trampolines are dropped. The craze cooled off during the summer of 1960 due to the extreme heat that year. Safety concerns were also a contributing factor as numerous neck and back injuries had people looking before they leaped. Jump On Us seems like the perfect pit stop if you have a kid hyped up on all that Cape Cod salt water taffy in the backseat.
Jump On Us