Snakes Alive!

Hurry! Hurry! Step right up and be shocked and amazed by a true living wonder. She has no arms and no legs but is alive and will answer all your questions.

P.T. Barnum’s notion that a sucker is born every minute has withstood the test of time. You need look no further than the pet rock and countless miracle weight loss infomercials to see our naivety padding someone else's pockets. Then of course, there is the rich tradition of the American sideshow.

Sideshow spectacles featuring human oddities aka freaks have fallen by the roadside in the wake of an uptight politically correct environment. However, illusion trickery still rears its entertaining head from time to time. Such is the case with Angel the Snake Girl, a new addition to the 2002 Florida State Fair.

With the promise you will see a live head on the body of a snake, the suckers line up to satisfy their morbid curiosity. The trick lives up to its claim. Inside the trailer is a live human head connected to an obviously plaster snake body. Angel sits atop a four-legged table wiggling her eyes and sneering at all that come to stare in wonder.

While not confirmed, it would appear that the trick is pulled off with the use of a seamless and inconspicuous mirror placed behind the table legs. Scattered wood chips on the trailer floor reflect to give the illusion that they cover the entire area, including the open space directly under the table.

Angel, whose face has the appearance of a weathered good old gal straight out of the southern sticks, has a TV in her pen to beat the boredom between gawkers. No telling how she changes the channels with no arms.

Angel the Snake Girl (traveling exhibit)
Florida State Fairgrounds
Tampa, FL

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