The Bull and Finch Pub gained world wide attention as the setting for the TV show Cheers. At the height of the shows popularity, people would line up around the block to get in. Today, the lines have shrunk to a mostly local syndicated audience. The place does seem to hold the attention of a lot of British travelers. On a recent visit, the crowd was mostly all stiff upper lips clung to mugs of dark beer. Interesting when you consider the pub was created in England in 1969 and then transported to Boston, where it was reassembled. They must just feel very at home. Everybody knows a name and the "Official Cheers Bar" is proof. For an extra couple of bucks they are more than happy to sell you the logo mug you are swilling out of. An upstairs store, pushes everything from baseball hats to Bloody Mary mix and opens two hours before the bar even starts serving. Less you forget that Boston is home to Cheers, plenty of brochures along the interstate will remind you of the fact. One would think this was a tourist attraction rather than a drinking hole. Visitors may be disappointed to learn that there is no large square serving area in the middle of the room. To see that bar, you'll have to go to The Hollywood Entertainment Museum in California.