If the outdoor camping thing is getting old, why not grab a sleep in the deep. Fall River, MA offers accommodations that are sure to float the boat of even the most discriminating back woodsman. Battleship Massachusetts has been hailed as "New England's premier camping destination" by their own brochure! Since 1972 patrons have been plopping on her poop deck. Eating chow "Navy style" and sleeping in canvas bunks only begins to skim the surface of the fun you can have on an overnight stay. Learn what it must feel like to be a sea man in the very frigate 2,300 sailors once called "Big Mamie" during World War II. This is not your run of the mill battleship. Build in 1941 it holds the record as the heaviest ship ever launched in Quincy. You figure there had to be at least one.
Fall River's other famous face is Emeril Lagasse. You won't find any of his utensils on display but you can pick up his cookbook at the highway tourist information center.
Battleship Cove
Fall River Historical Society |